Are You Starting To Study For the AMC Clinical Exam?
Are You Sitting Exam Very Soon? Or
Are You Feeling Down Because You have Failed & You Are Not Sure How To Approach Exam Next Time?
No matter where you are in your journey, I know my I can help you.
I compiled multiple resources from trusted sources and created concise summaries which facilitated my studies. I have been offering them and received positive feedback from other doctors like you in the path of gaining Australian Medical registration. It is my desire to keep sharing them at a very reasonable cost.
I learned to approach each AMC clinical case in a systematic way and I highly suggest you do as well.
In this way, no matter what tasks you are asked at the exam you already have a structure in your mind and you can simply followed the steps that are required to answer the assigned tasks.
Following an order for all cases, helps a lot your mind to work easier under stress.
You can use this approach while studying alone, doing role plays so when the exam comes, you are set on autopilot. Think of it as a checklist to keep handy!
I will also pop into your email sharing my personal experience, tips and other general resources to guide you in the preparation of the clinical exam.
During the full year I invested in studying for the exam, I created multiple resources and I believe a mix of everything help clear the exam.
I am now making them available for other doctors like you in the path of gaining Australian Medical registration.
Please be aware I am NOT breaching the confidentiality of the AMC clinical and therefore I am not providing recall cases, but an organised collection and summary notes of common
clinical conditions from trusted sources, a systematic way on how to approach the cases, and a list of resources which facilitated my studies.
Most importantly, the mindset exercises I practised to keep up my motivation up and self-belief during
the whole year, the week before exam and the day of the exam.
My name is Dr Paola Espinel and a busy mother of two little girls. I managed to pass successfully the AMC clinical 3 years ago on the first go without investing in expensive courses, except for sitting a trial exam and paying 2 hrs session with an experienced tutor few weeks before the big day.
Not only that, but I managed to pass the clinical exam 11 years after passing successfully the MCQ and 14 years after leaving my country Colombia and my last clinical job.
I am not the only success story but today I want to invite you to listen to my experience and learn a few things from my journey. The better you can prepare for the exam, the sooner you will achieve the same joyful result that accelerate your medical career in your new home Australia.